Looking For Your Tax Forms?
Schwab uses a phased approach to get forms out quickly and minimize corrections. All original tax forms will be available between January 31 and February 28, 2025.
If your portfolio includes securities that tend to reallocate or reclassify, it can take longer for Schwab to receive the necessary tax information from the security issuer. As a result, your form may be provided in one of the later phases to avoid a correction.
January 31: Includes brokerage accounts for which Schwab has all necessary tax information. Forms for accounts holding securities at risk for income reallocation – for example: mutual funds, REITs, and UITs – will not be available by this date.
February 14: Includes brokerage accounts for which Schwab has the necessary tax information from issuers. Forms for accounts holding securities that remain at risk for income reallocation where Schwab hasn’t yet received the necessary tax information will not be available by this date.
February 28: Includes remaining accounts with reportable transactions that have not received a form.
Visit schwab.com/1099 dashboard and log-in to your Schwab Alliance account to view which forms are available and which ones have yet to be delivered.
Visit fidelity.com and click on the “Important tax information” link on the top of the homepage. Once you log in with your secure credentials, you are able to gain quick and easy access to your tax forms.
Tax Year 2024 Corrected and Duplicate Form Delivery Schedule for Retirement Forms 1099-R (Activate online on or before)
Daily Corrections: 2.4.2025 - 5.30.2025 (includes prior day activity)
Weekly on Friday: 6.6.2025 - 11.14.2025
Tax Year 2024 Corrected and Duplicate Form Delivery Schedule for Retirement Forms 5498 (Activate online on or before)
Weekly on Friday: 5.23.2025 - 11.14.2025
Tax Year 2024 Corrected and Duplicate Form Delivery Schedule for Nonretirement Form 1099 (Activate online on or before)
First Correction Cycle: 2.15.2025
First Correction Cycle: 2.15.2025
Second Correction Cycle: 2.27.2025
Third Correction Cycle: 3.13.2025
Fourth Correction Cycle: 3.27.2025
Daily Corrections: 4.1.2025 - 4.16.2025; 10.1.2025 - 10.15.2025
Every Other Thursday Corrections: 4.24.2025 - 9.25.2025 & 10.30.2025
Final 1099 Correction Cycle: 11.15.2025
All forms are mailed within five (5) business days of online activation.